Saturday, August 25, 2012

cool cats club takes yosemite

From the fantasyland of Lindsey Charest comes Cool Cats Club, an exclusive feline inspired clothing line for the most whimsical and romantic of smitten kittens. With a Jeep packed with dress-up, snacks, and giggling girls (and a couple boys for good measure), 
we took to the mountains of Yosemite ( H O L Y S H I T ) to shoot talented Ms. Charest's upcoming S/S 2013 Lookbook. 
I'm beyond honored to be part of such a lovely experience.
A special thank you to absolutely everyone who made the outing possible!

It was balls hot, ridiculously beautiful, and a hell of a lot of fun.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

cupcakes suck

 They've been part of my career the last few years, but I don't really like cupcakes. Eating them, at least. 
But I love me a damn good cookie so I made these. Rose water and lemon zest. Boompow.

And I had to recruit some models for this batch. Thanks Jadey and Jim (our landlord and fatherly neighbor) for your striking good looks.

Monday, August 6, 2012

summer so far




as seen by my iPhone.